Like the Flies on the Patio

Research, Research, Research.
"Nancy Klann read an excerpt from The Silver Twinkie, and I had to read the whole bizarre story as soon as I got home; Airstream trailers will never be the same.”

- Alice Lowe, Presidio Sentinel

K lann-Moren’s eclectic style and distinctive voice shine throughout this unforgettable short story collection. Whether in a seaside bar, a suburban garage, or a Chicago apartment, she explores the complexities of relationships, some real, some imagined.

Klann-Moren’s narratives capture the tender undersides of these individuals who struggle to make sense of the turns in their lives.

These fascinating character portraits are engaging and finely tuned. They stay with the reader because of their uniqueness, and also because one is almost certain they have met them before.

Praise for Like the Flies on the Patio