The Clock of Life

Love and Protest
Who Can Forget Their First Book Crush?
I n the small town of Hadlee, Mississippi, during the 1980s, Jason Lee Rainey struggles to find his way amongst the old, steadfast Southern attitudes about race, while his friendship with a black boy, Samson Johnson, deepens. By way of stories from others, Jason Lee learns about his larger-than-life father, who was killed in Vietnam.  He longs to become that sort of man, but doesn’t believe he has it in him.
In The Clock Of Life he learns lessons from the past, and the realities of inequality. He flourishes with the bond of friendship; endures the pain of senseless death; finds the courage to stand up for what he believes is right; and comes to realize he is his father’s son.
This story explores how two unsettling chapters in American history, the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War, affect the fate of a family, a town, and two boyhood friends.
“The Clock of Life is a book club’s dream. A well-written novel rich with characters and subject matter that spark conversation and debate.”

Praise for The Clock of Life

M y friend Shawna and I stepped away from our computers and met up for a weeklong road trip. We were both writing southern tales and thought an infusion of southern authenticity would help shape the emotional landscape of our stories. As you'll see, both Shawna and I returned home inspired and re-energized to finish our novels.
C reating the Book Trailer for The Clock Of Life was not only a blast, it was a family affair. With a script and smart phone in hand, my husband and I drove to the rural town where my grandson Sebastian lived. After a full day of scouting locations and filming Sebastian with his buddy Kieran, we had enough footage to put together the two minute trailer. Alex Knox did a terrific job as the narrator, and the music by Gillicuddy set the mood. Have a look.

Award Winning Novelist

Indie author Nancy Klann-Moren has racked up accolades for her debut novel The Clock of Life.

Praise for The Clock of Life